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Body Cream Aloe Vera, 250 ml

Thailand , Banna Thailand , Banna


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Aloe Vera body lotion, 250 ml Expand

Body cream with Aloe Vera moisturises and rejuvenates the skin every day. Aloe Vera fights free radicals, slowing the process of strareniâ.

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150 ฿

Cream with Aloe Vera has excellent healing properties and is effective for the treatment of sunburns, soften and moisturize the skin. By reducing the pH level of the skin, it prevents premature aging and anti-wrinkle.

Use cream with aloe vera at any time of the day, when you need it.

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Body Cream Aloe Vera, 250 ml

Body Cream Aloe Vera, 250 ml

Body cream with Aloe Vera moisturises and rejuvenates the skin every day. Aloe Vera fights free radicals, slowing the process of strareniâ.

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